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Amazon Giant Fishing Spider (Ancylometes rufus)

Huge spiders give most people the creeps, but ones that can catch and eat fish reach a whole new level of scary. They can also walk on water, so imagine that next time you go swimming in a lake.

Physical Description and Behavior

Females are fairly large, reaching 2 inches in size with a leg span of almost 5 inches. This means that if this spider jumped on your face, it would basically cover the whole thing. Males are often smaller, as is normal with many spiders, but they have longer legs. Males also live for a shorter time than females, at 16 months as opposed to the female's 2+ years.

During mating, the male will wrap the female with silk, immobilizing her. A week after sex, she produces a cocoon, which she carries with her fangs. A month later, she will build a nest to incubate her eggs. Up to 100 baby spiders can hatch as a result of this, which sounds even more like nightmare fuel.

They live near rivers and lakes and can walk on the surface of the water like Water Striders. This is due to the fine hairs on their legs acting as cushions so they do not break the surface tension of the water. That said, they can dive underwater, and can even stay submerged for up to an hour. This is due to them surviving off the air that gets trapped in their hairs.

These spiders have been known to eat insects, amphibians, lizards, and even fish. They catch fish by diving underwater and piercing them with their fangs. They then drag it to the surface to eat.

Habitat and Location

This species can be found in South America near the Amazon. They can be found from Peru and Ecuador to Brazil and Venezuela.

Learn more about this spider through the video below!

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