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The Bumblebee Bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai)

Also known as Kitti's hog-nosed bat, this small guy is very rare and incredibly fascinating. In fact, it is known as the world's smallest mammal. Let's see what the science has to say about where it is from and why it is the way it is.

Physical Description and Behavior

This little bat is known as the world's smallest mammal, as it is only about an inch long, which is why so many people compare it to the bumblebee. It also weighs less than a tenth of an ounce in weight. It is insectivorous and gets food usually by skimming the tops of water in search of small insects and the occasional small fish. It can eat upwards of 100 mosquitos a night, so it is definitely a bat to keep around. The upper part of this little bat is a reddish-brown color, similar to that of rust. While the underside of the bat is much lighter. It does not have a visible tail but does have relatively large eyes compared with the rest of its body.

These guys live in caves with on average 100 individuals each. Although there can be as much as 500 bats in a single cave. They also do not leave these caves often, only for about 30 minutes in the evening, plus an additional 20 minutes at dawn, before going back to rest.

Habitat and Location

They are often found in caves next to rivers in forested areas. Found only in the Tenasserim Hills in Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi Province, in Thailand. However, since they are outside of a national park, they are also an unprotected species.

According to the IUCN Red List, they are considered a threatened species with a downward population trend. Increased rainfall and temperatures can pose a huge risk to the future of this tiny bat.

If you want a see a video of this little guy eating a grub, which is very cute, check that out here:

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