Seahorses are fascinating animals, but they are at risk of going extinct. This is due to the pollution and destruction of their habitats. That makes it even more important to learn more about them and work to preserve them and their environment.
Physical Description and Behavior
This seahorse is fairly small only being about 6 inches (15 cm) long, which is about the size of your hand. They do not live for long either, with a lifespan of only about 4 years. The Lined Seahorse looks similar to a shell on the beach, with reds, greens, and oranges. Their bodies have spikes and other strange growths all over.
The Lined Seahorse is monogamous and will do a ritualistic dance every morning to reestablish their bond. They also make clicking sounds when embracing their partners. These sounds and actions are done throughout their relationship. Their bond with their partner is so great that most seahorses will refuse to find a replacement mate after their spouse dies.
They feed on small crustaceans, mollusks, and zooplankton. While growing, they may feed for up to 10 hours and day and can eat thousands of baby brine shrimp.
Habitat and Location
The Lined Seahorse is considered to be Vulnerable according to the IUCN Red List. Their population is on the decline due to industrial and commercial development as well as pollution.
This seahorse can be found throughout the east coast of the Americas. As far north as Nova Scotia in Canada, and as far south as Venezuela. They can be found up to 73 meters underwater and several miles out in the ocean.
To see this seahorse in action, check out the video down below: