The Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius )
The Elephant Foot Yam is a strange and exotic plant. It both smells horrible, as well as tastes great
Bed bugs come out at night and feed on humans. Their presence in the home should be taken seriously and steps taken to eradicate them.
The Leaf Muntjac (Muntiacus putaoensis)
The Leaf Muntjac is an animal that we do not know a lot about. However, what we do know is fascinating!
Ligers, Zorses, and Zonkeys: What are Animal Hybrids?
Animal hybrids have been in human consciousness since the days of Egypt. But what do we really know about them?
The Blue Glaucus (Glaucus atlanticus)
These little guys have been all over the news lately. With their color and appearance, I understand why. What else can we learn from them?
The Coelacanth (Coelacanthiformes)
The Coelacanth is an ancient fish once thought extinct. They are more closely related to salamanders than a goldfish.
Bombardier Beetle (Carabidae)
The bombardier beetle mixes chemicals that cause an explosion of hot gas that can be fatal to some predators.