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The Common Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus)

This plant is very commonly found in gardens all over North America. But aside from it's appealing shape and color, it is also deadly. So let's take a look at the science and find out more about this plant and how it is toxic.

Physical Description and Behavior

These plants are well known for their yellow flowers. The petals on the outside are usually a lighter yellow with a darker yellow trumpet being on the inside. Leaves often arise from the base of the plant and can be up to 35 cm long. However, these leaves are also extremely thin.

One thing that you have to be wary about is the fact that this plant contains the alkaloid poison lycorine. This can be found not just in the flowers, but also in the leaves and other parts of the plants as well. While overdose is rare, consuming this plant can cause dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and convulsions.

Some people have tried to concentrate this plant, but that only makes this alkaloid even more deadly. In fact, placing a concentrated form of this flower on open wounds can cause staggering, can cause the nervous system to numb, and can even result in heart failure. So this plant is nothing to mess around with.

Habitat and Location

This plant is native to Europe. It can be found from Spain and Portugal, all the way east to Germany and as far north as England. That being said, it has been introduced as a garden plant all across the world. This includes North America, Australia, the Falkland Islands, and even New Zealand.

While it is not listed in the IUCN Red List, the fact that it is found in gardens all over the world, there does not seem to be a reason to consider it endangered in any capacity.

Learn some more facts about this flower by checking out the video below:

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