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The Grasshopper Mouse (Onychomys)

This little mouse really has a lot going for it. It is immune to some poisons and is a powerful fighter. So let's take a look at this little mouse and its strong adaptations that allow it to survive even deadly encounters.

Physical Description and Behavior

The grasshopper mouse is only about 5 inches long, but it knows how to carry its weight. It is carnivorous, which is rather odd for a mouse. It consumes insects, spiders, worms, snakes, scorpions, and even other mice. They attack by pouncing on their prey and biting through their exoskeleton. Their rather fast agility helps them in battles against formidable foes.

Fun Fact: This little mouse will howl, similar to that of a wolf, in order to signal to other grasshopper mice that this is their territory. It sounds like a high pitched shriek and is both awesome to hear, as well as outright adorable to see.

One fascinating thing about their physiology is that they have coevolved along with the bark scorpion. The toxins in the scorpion's stinger would get more intense over time, but the grasshopper mouse has found a way to counteract this. Their body has evolved to take this intense toxin and convert it into a painkiller.

They are very vicious animals for how small they are, being known to attack, kill, and eat other mice when in captivity.

Habitat and Location

These mice are split up into a few species, which can be found all across North and Central America. This is seen from the middle of Canada, all the way down to Central Mexico, passing by the great plains. Two of the species are very prone to living in deserts while the other lives in grasslands and shrub steppes.

If you want to learn more about this brutal-yet-adorable mouse, check out the video below!

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