The Cochineal – The Bug You Probably Eat Regularly
Eating bugs (insectophagy) has been a very common part of civilization for thousands of years. What’s that? You think you don’t consume insects? Think again. You do!
Read moreAmazing Life | Exploring Our Planet's Amazing Biodiversity
A Biological Sciences Website featuring amazing organisms and offers biology tutoring.
Eating bugs (insectophagy) has been a very common part of civilization for thousands of years. What’s that? You think you don’t consume insects? Think again. You do!
Read moreFrom Business Insider These tiny sea creatures glow when a predator eats them. This causes the predator to glow as well attracting larger predators. The ostracod is then quickly spat out along with swirling clouds of color and light. Happy Fourth of July! Read More
Read moreThe Patagonian Mara or also the Patagonian Cavy is the third largest rodent. It’s related to the guinea pig and has three digits on the hind feet and four on the forelimbs.
Read moreWasps are some of the scariest predators in existence, and have been the inspiration for films such as Alien (1979). Learn about the Mud dauber wasp and see why.
Read moreOne of the major underpinnings of biology is that all life shares a common ancestor. If the scientific theory of evolution is true, we should be able to make predictions about what forms led to the variety of forms we see today. As an example, we can predict that between fish fossils and early land tetrapods, that there should be a transitional
Read moreThese beautiful creatures are commonly thought of as common Jellyfish; however, they are actually far more complex. Man o’ wars are composed of multiple organisms all working together!
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