The Ghost mantis (Phyllocrania paradoxa)

Ghost Mantis (Photo credit: Jenn via Flickr)


The Ghost mantis is a small mantis from Africa. It has evolved a remarkable camouflage which mimics a dried-up leaf to ambush prey, as well as allows it to hide from birds and other predators. Its colors change with each molt. Females can live upwards of eight months.


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Ghost mantises primarily eat flies; but if food is short, they will turn to each other.



Leaf or Mantis? You decide!!!


Video of a Ghost mantis. Very alien looking!



Mike served in the United States Marine Corps in Military Intelligence. He became an Adjunct Professor in Engineering Graphics at Red Rocks Community College, He studies Biology and experimental Archaeology as a hobby. Mike’s an advocate for critical thinking, secular values, and equal rights. Mike seeks the promotion and understanding of the scientific theory of evolution, and the scientific method.


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